Tater Tots

Tater Tots are a commercial form of hash browns, a side dish made from deep-fried, grated potatoes. They are widely recognized by their crispness, cylindrical shape and small size. Tater is a slang used for potatoes.
These are great as a side dish. You can find these in the frozen isle of any supermarket. 
But I wanted to try the homemade version of this yummy side.

  1. Potato: 2 large
  2. Corn Starch : 2 tbsp
  3. Salt: as per taste
  4. Garlic: 2 cloves grated
  5. Black Pepper: 1 tbsp Freshly Ground
  6. Oil: for deep frying

Parboil and peel the potatoes and cool them down.
Once cooled grate the potatoes. 
Mix the salt, pepper, grated garlic and corn starch with the grated potatoes.
You can replace the grated garlic with garlic powder if you prefer.
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Make cylindrical tots from the mix and deep fry the tots, until slightly golden brown.
Remove from the heat and drain excess oil and let it cool down.
Preheat the oven to 400F.
Bake the tots in a single layer for 20-25 mins or till they are crispy.
Serve it hot with ketchup or your preference of dip.

These are great make ahead dish. You can whip up a big batch and freeze then for future use. When ready to eat pop in the oven and enjoy.
I hope you like this homemade version of tater tots.
Till then happy blogging


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